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who was sent to call judah to repentance

But Joel is saying something different here. Listen to S. Lewis Johnson on Christian internet radio station, Expositor.FM. It. [Message] Our subject tonight as we turn to the 2nd chapter of the prophesy of Joel is "Judah's Repentance and God's Repentance.". Well, he recommends that we should return, as the citizens of Judah should return, because his attributes are such that he forgives sinners who repent. OUTLINE. It’s only as we look at it. So God came to Judah through the prophet Zephaniah using similar imagery, telling Judah to repent - to turn back - to return to her Husband, God. To convince sinners of their sins, by setting them in order before them, charging both Israel and Judah with idolatry, covetousness, oppression, contempt of the word of God, and their rulers especially, both in church and state, with the abuse of their power; and also by showing them the judgments of God ready to break in upon them for their sins. He longs to take us back, and His willingness to forgive His children is infinite. Hosea 14:1, 2 begins, saying, 1 Return, O Israel, to the Lord your God, for you have stumbled because of your iniquity. He says he’s gracious. They do not crowd each other, they march everyone in his path; when they burst through the defenses, they do not break ranks. These show him as a contemporary of Zechariah, serving in Judah and Jerusalem. Not simply to lose weight, but to get off by yourself and to have time with God. Repentance is what God demands. This article examines Even the one that I would do which would be almost perfect [Laughter] would not be perfect because I would change my mind about certain things. It was rapidly approaching, like chaff driven before the wind. Matthew 4:17. one year after King Josiah began his spiritual reforms (in 628 B.C. Another message was God's impending judgment upon Judah. They each march in a certain line. He says, “For return to the Lord your God for he is gracious and compassionate. I struggled with this at first. -- Jeremiah was a prophet in Judah in the fifth and sixth centuries before Christ -- he was called by God to preach a message of repentance and to warn the nation of Judah that God's wrath and punishment would fall on them if they didn't turn from their idols and their empty religion back to the true God of Israel Jeremiah began his ministry during the reign of King Josiah, one of the most righteous rulers of ancient Judah (Jer. Their appearance is like the appearance of horses; and like war horses, so they run.”. The content of this appeal is described further in the second line of verse 12 through the third line of verse 13. So what we’re seeing here in the Book of Joel is a series of events that have the same pattern that other events in Israel’s history have in the future. The answer is found in Christ's words uttered in the face of the tragedy that killed 18 persons when the tower in Siloam fell upon them: "Unless you repent you will all likewise perish" (Luke 13:5). Amos 4 - 6 Judgments from God with a brief call of repentance in chapter five. His vocation was a call to be God's prophet. He abounds in covenant mercies, and he repents of evil. But Jeremiah remembered that "with God all things are possible" (Matt. If the LORD is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him" (1Kings 18:21). God intervened to save Jerusalem (37:36-37), but by the end of Hezekiah's life, a new threat loomed, conquest and enslavement by the Babylonians (39:5-7). God intervened to save Jerusalem (37:36-37), but by the end of Hezekiah's life, a new threat loomed, conquest and enslavement by the Babylonians (39:5-7). God sent a message in Judges 10:11-14 that was designed to increase their repentance so that they might be prepared for deliverance. When John the Baptist proclaimed the coming of the Kingdom, repentance was a key part of the message (Matthew 3:2, 8), and Jesus' preaching also had repentance as a key element (Matthew 4:17, Mark 1:15). Blessed be His Name! Found inside – Page 2978), a fourfold judgment that goes to the ... The experience of the prophets during the last days of Judah anticipates Jesus and the early church: Prophets call Judah to repentance; the nation is divided between those who followed ... And so Joel let’s us know by this description that he does not want us to understand this invasion of the locusts as simply a local plague of locusts. Later in his book, Isaiah writes, "In repentance and rest you will be saved" (Isa. Now the destruction that the locusts bring after them, of course, we have talked about last time. "Turn thou unto me": The verb may be either the second or third person, I said, thou shalt return; or, I said, she will return, as expressing a hope rather than a direct return. And we said, for three days? Found inside(8:13-14) He is the sovereign and holy King. He is sovereign over the power systems of this world, and he is holy in his separation from human structures, means, and goals. To this end, Isaiah's mission was to call Judah to repent from ... The prophet's background (1:1-3) B. Why do you think? Jesus does not call us to stay within our comfort zones. The only way out was repentance, and this was Isaiah's call on behalf of God. Abrupt in his denunciation of the sins of Israel, he is equally as tender and appealing in his exhortation to repentance. In Jesus' name. This never happened in ancient times following the Assyrian captivity of Israel or the Babylonian captivity of Judah. Even if a few squalls in the meeting won’t upset things. 3 Therefore say to them, `Thus says the LORD of hosts, "Return to Me," declares the LORD of hosts, "that I may return to you," says the LORD of hosts. Notice the commands. His message fell on deaf ears, so the nation collapsed into the hands of aliens. He said, “Yet forty days.” In other words, there was forty days time given to them to change their minds. Lamentations (Part Three) Sermon by Richard T. Ritenbaugh. We pray Lord that if there are some in our midst who have not come to know Jesus Christ as their own Lord and Savior that through the word of God they may come to know him. [Prayer] Father, we again turn to Thee with anticipation and praise. That actually works against the unity of our common Mission to call people to repentance and salvation. An imminent threat of invasion looms over the nation of Israel as the Assyrian army overtakes one nation at a time. They were called to humble themselves before the almighty hand of God. The Eight Most Important Christian Truths, https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/sljinstitute-production/old_testament/Joel/02_SLJ_Joel.mp3, « Joel – Judah, the Locust, and the Day of the Lord, Joel – The Day of the Lord in Verdict Valley, Joel – The Gentiles’ Surprise in the Valley of Jehoshaphat, Joel – Judah, the Locust, and the Day of the Lord. Well, these verses are the answer to this question. What do you think was His reason for saying it? That sin of the past reaches its climax in the sin of the future which is the sin of the rejection of our Lord Jesus Christ. His message fell on deaf ears, so the nation collapsed into the hands of aliens. Amos was from Judah in the south of what was called Israel. Your god is what you look to for your security and support. 2-25) 1. It is as if they are organized, naturally organized. Whatever the context, secular or ministerial, he demonstrates how to size up a task, organize and motivate a team, and respond to inevitable obstacles such as these: Unforeseen setbacks Unrelenting deadlines Criticism and outside resistance ... Jeremiah's record of his preaching also hints at the lack of heart transformation that issues forth in true repentance. ", (David Wilkerson; November World Challenge; www.worldchallenge.org). Interested in joining the Ligonier team? Jesus issued this radical call to all people, saying, "Unless you repent, you will all perish!" (Luke 13:3). [Prayer] Father, we thank Thee for these words from Joel the Prophet. So before them the peoples, plural, are in aguish. And so he states in verse 15, 16, and 17, “Blow a trumpet in Zion. And one of the things there was stated was that it was a great and mighty plague of locusts and there was nothing before it like it and nor would there be anything like it afterwards. Jesus called urgently and repeatedly for repentance: In the days prior to Jesus' birth God sent prophets to foretell the future and to call a remnant in Israel to repentance. Slow to anger, abounding in covenant loyalty, abounding in loving kindness.” Incidentally, these words are derived from Exodus chapter 34 in connection with the renewal of the covenant on Mount Sinai. Attitudes can be means of spiritual ends. He acts according to certain well defined principles. With a noise as of chariots they leap on the tops of the mountains, like the crackling of a flame of fire consuming the stubble, like a mighty people arranged for battle. And if there is something in our life that is hindering our relationship with the Lord, repent is the word of the New Testament now for he is a gracious, compassionate God who abounds in loving kindness and will bring his new covenant blessings into enjoyment in the life of the person who returns. After two days He will revive us; On the third day He will raise us up, That we may live in His sight. Can we trust what has been written by the past prophets? It’s changeable as we look at it. That’s a strange line, and I want you to notice it for that reason; “Before them.”. Jesus said that the eighteen who died there were not worse sinners than others, but "unless you repent you will all likewise perish. Yet, since the pandemic, a lot of preachers and speakers are telling Americans to repent. His story concludes in Egypt where Jeremiah and other refugees from Judah were seeking asylum sometime after the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians that took place in . He’s talking about the ancient Abrahamic Covenant, and since Judah by their disobedience have gone away from the Lord, he’s calling upon them to return to the terms of the covenant which involves obedience in the enjoyment of its blessings. His prophecy connects his message to Huldah's. Under Huldah's counsel, King Josiah led the nation to repentance, beginning with the Passover meal. Joel, we said last week in the first of our series of studies is in the prophecy of Joel is the prophet of the day of the Lord. There’s no command in the New Testament that says you must fast. In fact, as we shall see later when we study the day of the Lord in this book, it is a day which includes not only the Second Advent and the concomitant events but seems also in some contexts to stretch out through the millennial day so that the day of the Lord is a day that is characterized by judgment, by divine advent, and also by the kingdom that follows. The present intensification of natural and man-made disasters must be seen as clear signs of God's final warning to mankind of the impending divine judgment. 3. Study the bible using commentary on II. Their words stand sure, witnessing about Messiah, and His loving kindness; giving us a sure word of prophecy. They were like stockholders in the company. Jesus preached, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near" (Matthew 4:17). 3 Therefore say to them, 'Thus says the Lord of hosts: "Return to Me," says the Lord of hosts, "and I will return to you," says the Lord of hosts. Initially, Ahab . We read in verse 1, “Blow a trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm on My holy mountain! Rather than addressing Judah directly, God tells Jeremiah to speak to the northern kingdom— Israel—which had not existed for nearly one hundred years at the time the prophet was to preach (Jer. God warned Israel and Judah over and over again through the . And so when he says, “Return to me with all your heart,” he’s saying no perfunctory show of grief, and incidentally, if you have sinned and you don’t have that deep feeling of having wronged a holy God and a loving God and a compassionate God the thing to do is to get done on your knees and ask him to give you that sense of wronging of a holy and compassionate God that you ought to have. Joel 2:1-17 gives a metaphorical description of the carnage the . Instead, He reminded His listeners that tragedies are a wake up call to repent. " Repentance is not a very popular topic. And while consciousness of our sins is uncomfortable, it is also a cause for hope. In those feelings of guilt, says popular Scripture commentator Kevin Perrotta, God is calling us to return to him. Found inside – Page 145Whereas LXX Jer 1 : 11-19 presents Jeremiah's symbolic visions of judgment from the north , LXX Jeremiah 2–6 illustrates those visions with a detailed oracular presentation that calls upon Israel and Judah to repent lest YHWH bring the ... I might spend my waking hours worshipping the gods of the National Football League, or maybe I�m busy building a career or reputation, or maybe I find myself navigating the internet or other places in search of the latest porn star. Verses 12-13 seem to belong with verses 1-5. Verse 6, “Before them the people are in anguish,” and here we are treated to a description of the locusts and the effect of the plague on the people. . Just as in the New Testament we read, “Now is the day of salvation. Therefore, without human responsibility, these calls for repentance would be absurd. Say to Him, "Take away all . THE CALL TO REPENTANCE. This time I want to speak about the word of God in the book of Zephaniah, calling attention to all the Feligreans and those who have the opportunity to read this blog. There’s so many things in the Bible that may be translated in different ways. Come back before the time is past and My Anger comes down upon you like a fire on the chaff." It was rapidly approaching, like chaff driven before the wind. But as I say the strange thing about this day of the Lord in the context of Joel is that it is a time of judgment upon God’s people and that is stressed. ISRAEL'S REPENTANCE AND THE KINGDOM OF GOD Michael J. Vlach Professor of Theology The Master's Seminary The exact timing of Jesus' return and the kingdom of God is known only to God. Yet I believe most of these messages, mine included, have made virtually no impact whatsoever on secular society�, When I can rest through storms, when I have cast every burden on Christ and I hold my faith position, then I have obtained a "good report." You would not expect to see the effects of the locusts precede the locusts themselves as they made their way through the land. This sent me to my knees asking God to show me what repentance really is and what He wants us do. If so how can we tell? So he’s talking then ultimately about the covenant relationship that he had with Judah. His prophetic words to the nation of Judah and the surrounding nations. I don’t ever want to live through a locust plague. [2] As they called them, so they went from them: they sacrificed unto Baalim, and burned incense to graven images. This, of course, they have not maintained, but he points to the covenant relationship when he says return to me. He’s a compassionate God. So will the day of the Lord come upon the wicked unawares (Luke 16:35). There are earth quakes associated with the Second Advent of the Lord Jesus. The Lord utters His voice before His army; surely His camp is very great, for strong is he who carries out His word. He blesses the penitent. He punishes the impenitent. Yes, and we find that hope in the word of God in the book of Isaiah. Constable: Still, Judah did not return to the Lord with heartfelt repentance, but only superficially. And if you understand a passage in a certain way you translate the text in that way, but then if you came back a couple of years later and studied it again and discovered that you were wrong, that’s possible too and in fact, a very desirable thing to admit that you are wrong, then of course your translation which you approved two years previously would no longer be one that you would like. A Call to Repentance, Addressed to the Nation of Judah. 6 I want you to show love, not offer sacrifices. And so you would take the other alternative in rendering that text. And may the messages that they gave to ancient Israel and Judah or the nations be messages that we ourselves also take to heart where applicable. Malachi 4:5 "Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the LORD. As the dawn is spread over the mountains, so there is a great and mighty people; there has never been anything like it, nor will there be again after it to the years of many generations. Prophecies concerning Judah (chaps. Condemnation of Judah's Apostasy. It stressed belief in the one true God, faithfulness to the Law of Moses, repentance, and hope. He speaks, of course, of the judgment that is to come. Now he also writes not only of the repentance of men and of the need for it, but he is one of the prophets who speaks of the repentance of God; a baffling subject which seems to contradict the immutability of God. Personally, I'd rather write about worship or grace. He abounds in loving kindness. In loving recognition for all he has done, we dedicate this site to preserving his work. It is not mere reform or making resolutions to be better. Personally, I'd rather write about worship or grace. We must stop with a call for national service. Read II. “They run like mighty men, they climb the wall like soldiers; and they each march in line, nor do they deviate from their paths.” Locusts are gregarious, but they are disciplined. Found inside – Page 2093Alternate name of Joash son of Ahaziah, king of Judah (2Kg 12). 2. ... Taken to Egypt against his will (Jr 43). ... Son of Pethuel; prophet who urged priests to call Judah to repentance; depicted calamities (Jl 1:1-2:11); predicted the ... Related Bible stories Manasseh's Sin And Repentance Upon Their Repentance He Pities Them After The Death Of 70,000, David By Repentance Prevents The Destruction Of Jerusalem Solemn Fast, And Repentance Of The People Assured Blessing Of Repentance He Exhorts Him To Repentance, With Promises Of Mercy God Calls Man To Repentance By Visions, By Afflictions, And By His Ministry He Exhorts To . I still remember a young man at seminary who fasted for about three days. And so this is a call to repentance on the part of the people. Judgment for Judah and a Call to Repentance (Zephaniah 1:2-2:3) commentary using The Tony Evans Bible Commentary: Advancing God's Kingdom Agenda. We often have people today say that the Bible is a book in which we have accounts of existential relationships between people and God. The time to repent is now! One by S.R. So he recommends that attributes of God. But first, let Judah understand why she was exiled and call for her repentance and return to the Lord. Say to Him, "Take away all . Most people stop reading after Isaiah says, "Here am I, send me.". As the dawn is spread over the mountains, so there is a great and mighty people; there has never been anything like it, nor will there be again after it.” So the day of the Lord is characterized by Joel as a day of darkness and gloom, and that let’s us know that the chief characteristic of the day of the Lord is the fact that it is a time of judgment. It should never be put off. The details of his life are recorded in 2 Kings 21:1-18 and 2 Chronicles 33:1-20. Suggestions for Teaching Jeremiah 1. By the way, it is a well known fact that locusts have a very close resemblance to a horse, not in size but the head of a locust is very similar to a head of a horse in appearance. Look at verse 3, “A fire consumes before them.”. Doctrine is something that we cannot possibly do without. They rush on the city, they run on the wall; they climb into the houses, they enter through the windows like a thief. Well, finally in verses 11 and 12, 10 and 11 rather, we have the locusts and the universe and you can see how now the picture enlarges in the prophet’s description. The same message that Joel gave is the message that John the Baptist and our Lord Jesus gave. Blow a trumpet in Zion, consecrate a fast, proclaim a solemn assembly, gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, (notice this) gather the children and the nursing infants.”. "What is the Lord telling us through natural disaster? So return to me. It rather refers anthropomorphically or he speaks to a man and his manner of treating men. "Now when Ezra had prayed, and when he had confessed, weeping and casting himself down before the house of God, there assembled unto him out of Israel a very great congregation of men and women and children: for the people wept very sore . And I think that there may be some suggestion in that again that this locust plague is looked at ultimately by God if not by the prophet as the eschatological day of the Lord, and the locust plague is designed simply to be typical of that great day of the Lord that is to come. His message was one of hope and comfort to the people. So the fasting and the weeping and the mourning that accompanies the confession of sin or the repentance is one of the signs of true repentance. You might look to the government, or your job, or your investment portfolio, or even yourself. “The day of the Lord is indeed great and very awesome, and who can endure it?”, So the theme of the section is ultimately the theme of the day of the Lord. "So, let me ask you: as a Christian, what do you think about all these things coming upon the earth? Found inside – Page 88JEREMIAH WAS SENT TO CALL JUDAH TO REPENTANCE The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord , saying , Stand in the gate of the Lord's house , and proclaim there this word , and say , Hear the word of the Lord , all ye of Judah ... But what follows is very strange: he is to tell people they are welcome to listen but that . So the prophet likewise says the time for repentance is now. As we meditate on these verses we can observe two kinds of address to the people of Judah. After years of Judean kings doing the worst imaginable, such as child sacrifice (2 Kings 21), Josiah seemed like a new start. There have been many prophets and prophetesses of God, look in the Scripture and you will find a list of them. When we feel the smart of sin, it behooves us to seek what is the sin we smart for. But the enjoyment of the blessings of the covenant depend upon the relationship that we have with the Lord now. The opening verses of Zechariah's book contain warnings to the people for breaking the law, warnings that prompted the people to show repentance. 4 "Do not be . To wit: The ultimate disaster - the murder of the Son of God by human beings He�d created � turned out to be the means of ultimate victory over sin, death and the Devil�, "For His children, God is all-powerful and all-loving. Well, the word “people” in verse 6 is in the plural in the Hebrew text. Taking the case of Jonah’s ministry to Nineveh; he went into that city and said, “Yet forty days and Nineveh shall be destroyed.” But the people of Nineveh repented it is said and God repented of that which he had promised. Many people have testified to that fact that when they come that happens. Reason for saying it? ” can we trust what has been written the. We thank Thee for the Southern kingdom of Judah & # x27 ; d rather write about worship grace..., trusting him to bring an end to the whole human race the land is the. 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